
Covid SOP - WAHOO Swim School (Malaysia)

Will Swimming Kill You During Covid-19?

One of the Question that we get most of the time during this pandemic season, “Is it SAFE to SWIM?”

Without a doubt, this is indeed a season that got everyone anxious about whether it will ever be safe to be out & around. How do we still remain SAFE and keep our body PHYSICALLY HEALTHY?

According to the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical exercise such as skill-building drills at home and individual sports are considered as low-risk sports.

The risk of COVID-19 spread differs and vary according to the type of activity
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/playing-sports.html

Low-risk sports: Individual running events, cross country with staggered starts, golf, sideline cheerleading, weightlifting, bowling, fishing, swimming individual, diving and bicycling as per recommended by the USOPC & CDC with necessary precautionary measures taken.  (Source: https://www.childrensmercy.org/health-and-safety-resources/information-about-covid-19-novel-coronavirus/returning-to-community-activities/recommendations-for-a-safe-return-to-sport-and-physical-activity-after-covid-19/)

Let’s check out what the World Health Organization (WHO)​ has to say about swimming during this Coronavirus pandemic?!

Q. Am I likely to get COVID-19 is I swim in a swimming pool?
Fact: Swimming in a well-maintained, properly chlorinated pool is safe. However, it is advisable to stay away from all crowded areas including crowded swimming pools. Keep 1-meter distance from people who sneeze or cough even in a swimming area.

(Image Source: https://www.who.int/southeastasia/outbreaks-and-emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/fact-or-fiction?fbclid=IwAR3Ov56onFn9r4u30HHdOWYu1pxXWtD4BDssqf5Kbh0kWasEUQDqGqsxDFk)

So, what are we doing to safeguard our community IN & AROUND the pool?

1) Monitoring water’s chlorine content every 2 hours

A pool that is “balanced” has proper levels of pH, Total Alkalinity, and Calcium Hardness. pH: 7.2-7.8, Total Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm, Chlorine levels should remain constant in the 1-3 ppm range.

2)  Swimmers RINSE OFF BEFORE & AFTER swimming, and leave immediately after swimming to avoid over-congestion at the toilet area.

3) REGULAR SANITIZATION of all equipment used. Swimming Equipment are SANITIZED Before & After every Swimming Lesson

4) SEGREGATED SWIM LANES & SWIMMING HOURS exclusively for WAHOO Swim School Students only. Afraid to be sharing a lane with the crowd or public? No worries! Our Swim school students can enjoy swim lanes and lesson area all to themselves! Not to mention, having a BIGGER SPACE to swim in comfort during this season as we have widened up our swim stations to put social-distancing into practice

Segregated lanes and social distancing during swimming

5) CROWD CONTROL & CLASS SIZE CONTROL: Limiting the number of people allowed in the pool & Limiting the NUMBER of Students in one class

Crowd control and physical distancing during swim lessons

6) REPLACEMENT CLASS REQUEST: Swimmers who are sick/ not feeling well/ in contact with people who have been suspected to contract Covid-19/ just traveled back from domestic or international travels would be permitted with replacement class based on submission replacement class for SELF-QUARANTINE purposes.

7) PREVENTATIVE MEASURE: All Coaches are required to have their health checked from time-to-time. All Coaches are required to have their FACE SHIELDS on during classes.

Up, down, left, right EVERYWHERE we SANITIZE.
Fly, back, breast, free every stroke we SOCIAL DISTANCING.


We also scared to expose ourselves out there knowing that there’s a risk of getting our loved ones infected, you know?!

So, stop speculating, and come to see for yourself.

WAHOO Swim School X Setia SPICE Aquatic Centre Safety Measures

Setia SPICE Aquatic Centre SOP during RMCO Effective 1st July 2020

Setia SPICE游泳中心复苏期管制令将于2020年7月1日生效  Setia SPICE Aquatic Centre SOP  semasa PKPP Berkuatkuasa Pada 1st Julai 2020

✍?1) REGISTER at the reception before entry


Sila DAFTAR di meja Resepsi sebelum masuk

?2) ALL swimmers MUST RINSE BEFORE entering the pool


SEMUA Perenang MESTI BASAHKAN DIRI sebelum masuk ke dalam kolam.

?‍♀️3) Maximum 5 pax per lane


Maksimum 5 orang untuk setiap lorong

?4) Toilet and Shower rooms at Splash pool area are open exclusively for WAHOO swimmers ONLY


Bilik tandas dan Bilik Mandi di kawasan Kolam Pancuran, dibuka khas untuk Para Perenang WAHOO Swim School SAHAJA.

?‍?‍?‍?5) Crowd control and Physical Distancing imposed


Kawalan kesesakan ramai dan Jarak Fizikal dikenakan

WAHOO Swim School Pool Layout for Learn-To-Swim Classes

? WEEKDAYS (Mon-Fri  星期一星期五   Isnin-Jumaat):
⏰ 8.00am-5.00pm (open for NON-WAHOO, max capacity at 50 pax 开放给于公众,限定最多50人. Di buka untuk BUKAN PERENANG WAHOO, maksimum 50 orang)

5.00pm- 7.30pm (OPEN FOR WAHOO swimmers only) <POOL is CLOSED for NON-WAHOO swimmers> (仅开放给于WAHOO学生)<不对外开放> ( DIBUKA UNTUK PERENANG WAHOO sahaja ) < KOLAM DITUTUP pada BUKAN PERENANG 

⏰ 7.30pm- 10.30pm (only lane 2 lanes open for NON-WAHOO swimmers, max capacity at 20 pax) (只开放2条泳道给于公众,限定最多20人)(hanya 2 lorong dibuka untuk BUKAN PERENANG WAHOO , maksimum 20 orang)

? WEEKENDS (Sat-Sun 星期六星期日  Sabtu- Ahad):
8.00am- 10.00am (OPEN FOR WAHOO swimmers only) <POOL is CLOSED for NON-WAHOO swimmers> 仅开放给于WAHOO学生)<不对外开放> ( DIBUKA UNTUK PERENANG WAHOO sahaja ) < KOLAM DITUTUP pada BUKAN PERENANG 

⏰ 10.00am- 6.00pm (Lane 1,2, 8, 9, 10 for WAHOO swimmers) (only lane 3 to lane 7 open for NON-WAHOO swimmers, max capacity at 30 pax) (1、2、8、9、10泳道仅开放给WAHOO学生而已)(3至7泳道仅开放给于公众,限定最多为30人) ( Lorong 1,2,8,9,10 untuk PERENANG WAHOO ) ( hanya lorong 3 dan 7 dibuka untuk BUKAN PERENANG WAHOO maksimum 30 orang )

⏰ 6.00pm- 10.30pm (only lane 3 to lane 7 open for NON-WAHOO swimmers, max capacity at 50 pax) (仅开放3至7泳道给于公众,限定最多为50人)( hanya lorong 3 hingga 7 DIBUKA kepada BUKAN PERENANG WAHOO maksimum 50 orang )

Watch this 2 minutes video and learn at least 5 important information to help you swim safely whenever you are in and around the swimming pool!


Tonton video berdurasi 2 minit ini dan pelajari sekurang-kurangnya 5 maklumat penting untuk membantu anda berenang dengan selamat setiap kali anda berada di dalam dan di sekitar kolam renang!

1. Wear a mask! (before and after swimming) 游泳前后都必须穿上口罩 Pakai penutup hidung dan mulut ( sebelum dan selepas berenang )

2. Scan temperature & Check-in using MySejahtera App  扫描注册使用MYSejahtera App Periksa suhu imbasan anda dan daftar masuk ke MySejahtera App

3. Check your station (to know where your class is) 查看班位 Periksa stesen anda ( bagi mengetahui dimana kelas anda )

4. Got a question? (Call us or meet us virtually in ZOOM!) ~ZOOM ID is available at all common area 有任何疑问可用ZOOM视屏与我们连络 或电联 (ZOOM ID可在公共区域获取)Ada sebarang pertanyaan? ( Hubungi kami atau temui kami secara di atas talian maya melalui ZOOM! ) ~ ZOOM ID terdapat di semua kawasan umum

5. Rinse only. No Shower. 清洗而已不可沐浴 Bilas sahaja. Mandi tidak dibenarkan

As we resume our classes and training, the safety and well being of all our swimmers, parents, visitors and WAHOO team members are our TOP priority. We have followed all required procedures and on top of that have also made an enhancement to the SOPs to secure all necessary preventive measures in our school to not only ensure everyone’s safety but also made full use of its convenience and practicality.

Check out what we are doing at WAHOO Swim School during this RMCO season to ensure your safety in and around the pool

We hope our swim school remains a safe and happy place for you and your family. As there will be certain changes whenever we see there is a need for improvement, hence please stay tuned for more updates!