Do you know that swimming is one of the best ways to destress?
This pandemic has brought us to understand the impact of anxiety that is robbing our peace now more than ever. However, we want to bring your attention to the fact that you are worthy, and you are loved.
We understand how challenging it is to deal with an overwhelming sense of anxiety, so here are 4 keys to how you can WALK ON WATER:
-Seek help, talk to someone about the issue.
Either it’s a close friend or a loved one, there’s always someone who is willing to listen and constructively pull you out of the situation. If you are not comfortable talking with someone you know, there’s always a community out there who are willing to be there with you through this journey.
- BEFRIENDERS Hotline (Penang: 04-281 5161)
?There’s always a WAY out
-Understand the root of your anxieties, there can be many situations that bring up anxiousness. As we began to understand the root of our issues, it will help us combat the root of where that came from head-on. Anxiousness is often developed from overactive thoughts. Our thoughts determine our emotions, which will ultimately determine our actions. Surround yourself in a community that will help you grow and flourish. Never seek to resolve any issue despite how small it might seem alone because TWO ARE BETTER THAN ONE.
A positive community will help one another up when the other falls, isn’t it apparent that “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken”?
? Don’t be too hard on yourself, SET ATTAINABLE GOALS
If you were to write down some of your thoughts, you may be astounded that throughout the day that how much negativity or criticism you can be speaking over yourself. Let me ensure you, the thoughts that pass through our heads are not always true. Declare positivity and set measurable goals from today onwards! Give yourself grace that some days are difficult, do not let fear and worries silence your declaration.
Physical activities have been scientifically proven to increase endorphins level and reduce the negative effects of stress. On the positive side, it helps build up our cardiovascular, digestive, and immune systems. That’s a total win, for sure!
Remember to BREATHE & TAKE TIME TO ACKNOWLEDGE your own mental health being.