We do provide replacement lessons as we felt that it is only fair to you & your child. However, please take note that in order for us to effectively clear the backlogs and arrange all of the accumulated replacement classes effectively, we sincerely appreciate your cooperation to submit the replacement request form within 24 hours from the day of absent.
Term Program must be completed within the term calendar.
10 sessions – Completed within 12 weeks (Replacement lessons x2)
7 sessions – Completed within 8 weeks (Replacement lesson x1)
4 sessions – Completed within 4 weeks (No Replacement Classes Allowed)
Replacement Week Class Request |Term & Conditions|
(i) Replacement classes would only be conducted at the last 2 (TWO) weeks of each term.
(ii) ALL replacement class or additional class request(s) must be submitted via E-Replacement Form. ALL replacement class requests are subjected to PGSA management’s approval. The replacement classes will be conducted based on the students’ existing class day and time.
(iii) Any other replacement class or lesson requests to be conducted during the replacement week, kindly revert to our customer support team via +6016-5580107
(iv) Do take note that there will be NO additional replacement class given if student is absent once the replacement class slot is confirmed. PGSA reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions from time to time.
(v) Additional Lesson Request will be arranged according to the time slot available.